Lab puppies for sale in Nebraska, Labrador puppies for sale in Nebraska, Lab puppies in Seward, NE, Labrador Retriever Puppies
Puppy Milestones (0-8 Weeks)
Watching puppies develop is a remarkable experience. It is truly amazing how fast they grow! They change from day to day. I have listed the milestones that occur in the first 8 weeks of life.
Shivering Reflex (6-8 days old)
The eyes open and can see (10-15 days old)
The ears open and can hear (13-17 days old)
Barking (14-20 days old)
Early play movement (15-21 days old)
Stand upright (steadily) (18-21 days old)
Urinate & Defecate without stimulation from the mother (15-21 days old)
Balance for passing urine and bowel movement (18-26 days old)
Deciduous Teeth (24-27 days old)
Body twitching in sleep (0-28 days old)
Eating from a dish, weaning (25-28 days old)
Play with other pups (28 days old)
Muscle Tone (28 days old)
Walk and Run (14-28 days old)
Sight as equal to an adult – can focus (35 days old)
Hearing Acute (35 days old)
Plays with Toys (40 days old)
Plays constructively with litter (40-48 days old)
Learning mouth and paw skills, body control (40-48 days old)
Voluntary control of urinary and defecation – toilet training can commence from 3 weeks, but control from 10-12
weeks old, perfected at 4-6 months.